Section: Application Domains


We are working on problems that can be written in the following form

โˆ‚ ๐” โˆ‚ t + โˆ‡ ยท ๐… e ( ๐” ) - โˆ‡ ยท ๐… v ( ๐” , โˆ‡ ๐” ) = 0 (1)

in a domain ฮฉโŠ‚โ„d, d=1,2,3, subjected to initial and boundary conditions. The variable ๐” is a vector in general, the flux ๐…e is a tensor, as well as ๐…v which also depends on the gradient of ๐”. The subsystem

โˆ‚ ๐” โˆ‚ t + โˆ‡ ยท ๐… e ( ๐” ) = 0

is assumed to be hyperbolic, the subsystem

โˆ‚ ๐” โˆ‚ t - โˆ‡ ยท ๐… v ( ๐” , โˆ‡ ๐” ) = 0

is assumed to be elliptic. Last, (1 ) is supposed to satisfy an entropy inequality. The coefficients or models that define the flux and the boundary conditions can be deterministic or random.

The systems (1 ) are discretised mesh made of conformal elements. The tessalation is denoted by ๐’ฏh. The simplicies are denoted by Kj, j=1,ne, and โˆชjKj=ฮฉh, an approximation of ฮฉ. The mesh is assumed to be adapted to the boundary conditions. In our methods, we assume a globaly continuous approximation of ๐” such that ๐”|Kj is either a polynomial of degree k or a more complex approximation such as a Nurbs. For now k is uniform over the mesh, and let us denote by Vh the vector space spanned by these functions, taking into account the boundary conditions.

The schemes we are working on have a variational formulation: find ๐”โˆˆVh such that for any ๐•โˆˆVh,

a ( ๐” , ๐• ; ๐” ) = 0 .

The variational operator a(๐”,๐•;๐–) is a sum of local operator that use onlty data within elements and boundary elements: it is very local. Boundary conditions can be implemented in a variational formulation or using a penalisation techbnique, see figure 1 . The third argument ๐– stands for the way are implemented the non oscillatory properties of the method.

Figure 1. Adapted mesh for a viscous flow over a triangular wedge.

This leads to highly non linear systems to solve, we use typicaly non linear Krylov space techniques. The cost is reduced thanks to a parallel implementation, the domain is partionnned via Scotch . Mesh balancing, after mesh refinement, is handled via PaMPA . These schemes are implemented in RealfluiDS and, partialy, AeroSol . An example of such a simulation is given by Figureย 2 .

Figure 2. Turbulent flow over a M6 wing (pressure coefficient, mesh by Dassault Aviation).
IMG/M6-cp.png IMG/M6-turb.png

In case of non determistic problems, we have a semi-intrusive strategy. The randomness is expressed via N scalar random parameters (that might be correlated), X=(x1,...,xN) with probability measure dฮผ which support is in a subset of โ„N. The idea of non intrusive methods is to approximate dฮผ either by dฮผโ‰ˆโˆ‘jฯ‰lฮดXl for ฯ‰lโ‰ฅ0 that sum up to unity, for โ€œwell chosenโ€ samples Xl or by dฮผโ‰ˆโˆ‘lฮผ(ฮฉl)1XjdX where the sets ฮฉj covers the support of dฮผ and are non overlapping.

Staring from a discrete approximation of (1 ), we can implement randomess in the scheme. An example is given on figure 3 applied to the shallow water equations with dry shores, when the amplitude of the incoming tsunami wave is not known.

Figure 3. Okushiri tsunami experiment. Leftย : deterministic computation. Rightย : mean and variance of the wave height in one of the gauges